Eating Disorders
Van Dusen Nutrition® works with individuals who are struggling with any diagnosis of an eating disorder to progress toward a full recovery. We integrate concrete, goal-oriented nutrition work with the exploration of emotions as they connect to nourishing, moving and respecting one’s body. Van Dusen Nutrition® utilizes a multi-disciplinary approach and makes a commitment to each client and the healthcare team to remain in close communication for more cohesive and impactful work.
We Treat
Anorexia NervosaBulimia NervosaBinge Eating DisorderOtherwise Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder (OSFED)Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)OrthorexiaExercise DisordersBody Dysmorphic Disorder

"Making the decision to pursue and accept recovery can be daunting and we’re unable to clearly predict the outcome. What we do know for certain is that on the other side of recovery is a greater sense of freedom."
"Society paints a very specific picture of eating disorders. This is not only inaccurate, it’s harmful for those who worry they may not look “sick enough” to seek out support. Anyone with an eating disorder deserves access to compassionate care no matter what they look like."
"Recovery is possible. Recovery is for you. We believe in full recovery and we believe it is possible for you. We will stand by and support you as you navigate the winding path, all the way until you reach your destination."
"Finding moments of peace in the recovery process is difficult. It can be challenging to relinquish control and commit to healing. Instead of focusing on all the things you have to let go of or feel you are losing, can you focus on all the things you can now allow in?"