Disordered Eating
Van Dusen Nutrition® provides ongoing support and counseling to individuals who may not have a formal diagnosis of an eating disorder but struggle with a complicated or challenging relationship to food. Diagnostic criterion for eating disorders are essential for treatment; however, they do not always capture the nuanced struggles many individuals face. Fear of not qualifying for an exact diagnosis or fitting the misconception of the “look” of an eating disorder should not serve as exclusionary criteria for treatment or care.
We Treat
Emotional or Mindless EatingChronic dietingElimination of food groupsObsessive measuring or tracking of macros/caloriesAll or nothing mindset when it comes to food

"Diet culture tends to enforce an 'all or nothing' mindset. On one end of the pendulum, there is hunger, dieting or restriction. On the other, there is overeating, feeling out of control or bingeing. Neither is sustainable and neither feels good. When you truly give yourself unconditional permission to eat, the pendulum will begin to settle and your body will find its balance."
"Life is too short to abide by rigid food rules or skip out on certain items just because you “don’t need them”. When was the last time you ate something for pure enjoyment? You are allowed to do so and this says nothing about your character."
"Getting curious about your relationship with food removes pressure from your food choices and makes space to understand the intention behind them."
"Normal eating is instinctual; we lose sight of it for various reasons but it is something we can always reconnect to."