Jessica Fagan, MPH, RDN, LD

"Food is an unavoidable part of our lives. When we make the choice to work on approaching food in a way that feels good physically and mentally, this greatly impacts our well-being and day-to-day lives.”

Jessica Fagan, MPH, RDN, LD

“Being able to be flexible with food allows for more ease, joy, and connection with others.”

Jessica Fagan, MPH, RDN, LDN is a Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist at Van Dusen Nutrition®. Jessica currently works full time at the Needham office and sees clients for Individual Nutrition Counseling and Therapeutic Meal Support®. Additionally, she is a clinician who staffs our STEP® eating disorders program.

Jessica’s mission is to support clients in establishing a peaceful relationship with food and body.

Jessica acknowledges that each person’s relationship with food will look different and she works with clients to determine what a healthy relationship with food looks like in their lives. She uses a weight-inclusive lens as she helps clients feel more confident about how to nourish themselves in a way that feels good, both mentally and physically.

Jessica graduated from Georgetown University with her Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics. She then received a Masters in Public Health with a focus in dietetics at UMass Lowell. Jessica has recently spent the past few years working at Walden Behavioral Care’s partial hospitalization level of care, working with both adolescents and adults.


Eating DisordersDisordered EatingWeight and Body ConcernsSports Nutrition


  • Family-Based Treatment (FBT)
  • Co-occurring Disorders
  • Negative Body Image
  • Non-Diet Approach
  • Intuitive Eating
  • HAES® – Health at Every Size
  • Intuitive Eating
  • Family-Based Treatment (FBT)
  • HAES® – Health at Every Size
  • Non-Diet Approach
  • Co-occurring Disorders
  • Negative Body Image